Current Priorities
Citizens of Kerr County determine our priorities. Our compass is your insight and suggestions.

Quarries are not only a threat to the peace and beauty of the Hill Country, they are a danger to our precious water supplies, threaten our health and well-being with noise and dust. Is a quarry ruining your home’s property value, creating health concerns, or creating hazardous road conditions in your area?

Dry Wells
Has your well gone dry? Did recent rains restore your water? If so, is it pumping normal amounts? Please give us an approximate location via email. Thanks for your help.

Do you recall previous droughts? Please share your recollections, insight and concerns on the Get Involved page, the blog or email us here. We are attempting to compare our recent drought with previous droughts.

Do you have photos, newspaper articles verbal accounts or other information of floods along the Guadalupe River or it's tributaries? We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to review this information. Please contact us here.
Our Mission
To protect our property and families from the adverse affects of inappropriate development, including:
a lowering of single family, private property values;
potential loss of life and property by ignoring wise floodplain management;
a loss of rural character; and
a downward spiral in our quality of life in Kerr County, Texas.
To safeguard the health of all residents by insuring access to clean air and pure water for EVERYONE.
To conserve and preserve our natural resources—the land and its wildlife—for future generations.
To place more emphasis on tourism as economic development, instead of runaway building.